Public Act 2 Liquor Tax Application

Creation date: 8/6/2018 10:11 AM    Updated: 8/2/2022 1:05 PM    liquor tax application pa2 public act 2
Thank you for your interest in Public Act 2 (or liquor tax) funding.  To access these funds, an application needs to be completed to be considered.  The application allows the Northern Michigan Regional Entity (NMRE) staff as well as individuals who sit on the NMRE Substance Use Disorder Policy Oversight Board (one representative from each of the twenty-one counties in the NMRE region) to better understand the program itself, the need for the program, the rationale for the specific program, how the program will be evaluated and the work plan.  At this time, the NMRE at the direction of the NMRE Substance Use Disorder Policy Oversight Board has limited use of the funds to specific areas of focus.  The areas of focus have been identified by contracted substance use disorder providers.  Projects outside of the areas identified will be considered if funding is available. 

Please note that funding is restricted to projects targeting only prevention of substance use disorder services, treatment of substance use disorder services and recovery supports for individuals in recovery from a substance use disorder.  Based on the NMRE Policy for use of these funds, priority of the funding goes to paneled providers of the NMRE.  Funding should be provided through an agency licensed for substance use disorder services through the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA).

Requests must be reviewed by both the Substance Use Disorder Policy Oversight Board of Directors and the NMRE Board of Directors.  Requests first go to the NMRE Substance Use Disorder Policy Oversight Board for recommendation to the NMRE Board of Directors.  It is required that staff from the organization and/or fiduciary committee attend the NMRE Substance Use Disorder Policy Oversight Board meeting to answer any questions related to the request. 

The NMRE Substance Use Disorder Policy Oversight Board meets every other month on the first Monday of the month, except when there is a holiday.  Meeting schedules can be found at under the Boards tab.  Requests must be received by the 1st of the month prior to the month the meeting takes place.   For example, a request for the September meeting must be received at the NMRE no later than August 1st.   Any applications received after the 1st of the month will be reviewed at a future meeting of the NMRE Substance Use Disorder Policy Oversight Board.  

Completed Requests in Excel format must be submitted to  Questions regarding the application or requests may be made to as well.

Thank you again for your interest in funding.