OHH Handbook 

Creation date: 3/19/2019 2:26 PM    Updated: 9/30/2022 4:41 PM
The Opioid Health Home (OHH) Handbook has been created by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Administration. 

The purpose of the manual is to provide Medicaid policy and billing guidance to the providers participating in Michigan's OHH Program. 

Additional resources regarding the OHH program can be found under https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/0,5885,7-339-71547_4860_87523---,00.html

This section includes information and resources pertaining to the Opioid Health Home (OHH) program. For specific questions regarding OHH services at your location, please contact Heidi Serven OHH Care Coordinator hserven@nmre.org.