RECON Frequently Asked Questions for SUD Services

Creation date: 10/5/2017 4:05 PM    Updated: 10/2/2020 10:34 AM    billed wrong demographics faq forgot incorrect date login password recon teds unable to bill wrong date
RECON Frequently Asked Questions
Listed below are some of the frequently asked questions and issues encountered in the RECON system.
For any questions or issues, please see the designated RECON contact at your agency or your supervisor. If the issue cannot be resolved or the question answered through the RECON contact or supervisor, then an email should be sent to In the email include the client ID, details of the issue, including error messages or screen shots in RECON. Please do not include client names.

Demographics Form - DISCONTINUED
A demographics form is required by NMRE for all clients who enter SUD treatment and are funded by NMRE. The form should be submitted to the RECON fax queue at intake. The fillable PDF form is available under the Knowledge base documents under SUD Demographics Form.

Unable to pull up client in RECON system
Please check the New RECON New Consumer Enrollment and Existing Consumer Search document for instructions. If you still have issues please email

Updating Client Contact Information
NMRE requires that providers maintain current contact information for clients in the RECON system, such as name, address and phone number. When a change is required the information can be updated in RECON > Consumers/MPI > Consumer Chart >  Demographics - Change. For clients whose mailing address is different than their home address, this information can be entered under Contact/Mailing Information by selecting the contact person (Consumer, Parent, Guardian) and entering Consumer Mailing address.

When a client has a change of address, please review Eligibility/Insurance Verification under 270/271 in RECON. If the address does not match please work with the client to have them update their contact information with MDHHS. Information on benefit eligibility can be found under the Knowledge base documents under Questions regarding Benefits Eligibility.

Assessment unit does not appear on outpatient referral. Per requirements, NMRE will only authorize one assessment, per provider, for a client in a six-month period. If a client is re-admitted to the same provider within six months and an H0001 has already been completed, NMRE will create the referral for outpatient, without the H0001 unit.

An admission or discharge date has been entered incorrectly in RECON. Who can make the change? The admission date required on the Admission Form is the date the client was first seen for H0001 service and started the ASI. A common mistake providers make is entering the date the clients’ outpatient service began and not the actual admission date. The staff member who created and signed the document can edit the Admission Form, by selecting “Changed Signed Document”. Enter a description under Reason for Change, Save and Continue to Document. Make changes as appropriate, sign and save the document.

TEDS Submission Status is “Pending Submission”. What does that mean? The TEDS Status Submission reflects what NMRE has sent to the State of Michigan for data reporting. If Status is Pending Submission (add) that means it has not yet been submitted to the State. A submission of Accepted means that the data for that client has been submitted.The submission status does not impact a providers ability to add or change information in the admission form.

Authorization and Re-Authorization of Services
Where do I enter an authorization/re-authorization request? At home screen, Under SUD Provider menu choose SUD Treatment Referrals, Admissions and Discharges. Type in client information and hit select. In that screen review the Referral Date and Type. Click on Add SUD Authorization in the Authorization and select package for services being requested. 

What is the timeline that re-authorization requests to be made in RECON?  All SUD services, with the exception of Withdrawal Management, must be prior authorized.  All authorization requests must be clinically based and submitted in RECON prior to the delivery of the service. Requests for continuing services for outpatient and MAT services can be submitted up to  weeks in advance of the current authorization expiring. Authorization for continuation of residential services should be submitted as needed.   

An authorization date was entered incorrectly, what is the process for correcting that? Provider should submit an authorization request with the dates of service and in the Provider Notes section include a reason for the request. Click the Add Service button and select the service requested. Add the effective dates (not the package) that the authorization is needed.

A wrong admission date was put on the demographic form, what is the process for correcting that?A corrected demographic form (with a brief note of explanation on the form) along with proper documentation (an assessment to show that the client was there on a different date than originally reported) must be faxed to the RECON fax queue. NMRE staff will then make necessary changes if documentation supports request.

System Set Up & Passwords
A new staff member needs permission to RECON, what is the process for requesting a log-in. Any Clinical staff who perform face-to-face, billable services are required to submit a Clinical Application and be approved by NMRE, prior to the delivery of services. The fillable PDF form can be accessed under the Knowledge Based documents under NMRE SUD Clinical Application. Completed forms can be sent to for processing. All new staff members must also be trained in the RECON system to receive a log-in. Monthly webinar trainings are hosted by NMRE. The RECON contacts for each agency are responsible for signing new staff up for training using the RECON Webinar Training for New Staff form which is located under the Knowledge base documents.

I forgot my RECON password. 
Click the following link to launch RECON:
Users can click on I forgot my password link at the log-in screen.
You will be prompted to answer some questions to reset your password:
1. Email Address
2. Date of Birth – Enter as dd/mm/year with the slashes
3. Last Four Digits of Social Security Number

If you are not successful in resetting your password, contact and request that your password be reset.

I have billed the wrong client, service or date, how can this be corrected? Send an email to the client ID (NOT the client name), service and/or date(s) that was incorrectly billed with a brief explanation. NMRE Claims Representative will make the necessary retractions. Providers can then bill the correct client, service and/or date(s). Providers can request that batches that have been submitted to RECON but not yet paid be returned to them for corrections.

I am unable to bill for a specific date of service. Review client file in RECON to ensure that TEDS admission date aligns with the client admission date. Claims can not be billed for dates of service before the admission date listed on the TEDS form.